Outdoors in Clay County

The gorgeous Obey River has become a popular canoeing and kayaking destination.
The temperate climate of Dale Hollow and Clay County give so many opportunities to enjoy the Outdoors in Clay County.
We have four distinct seasons here in the Upper Cumberland, with the weather you would expect in each. Dale Hollow’s exceptionally pristine water and shoreline are unmatched in this area. In addition, good weather beyond what you might say is the “tourist season” allows so many outdoor opportunities.
You can fish, hunt, camp, picnic, boat, canoe, hike ride horses and scuba dive, so there’s no lack of anything to do here.
Dale Hollow serves countless Tennessee and Kentucky users, and the lake has always seen significant numbers from Ohio, Indiana and other parts of the Midwest.
Come visit us here in Clay County and Dale Hollow. You’ll like what you find.
www.reocanoe.com 931-305-2925
7135 Burkesville Hwy., Celina, TN
Dale Hollow 1 Stop
5550 Burkesville Highway, Celina, TN 38551
Ph: 931-243-2636
Celina Market
641 Clay County Highway, Celina, TN 38551
Ph: 931-243-3143
Happy Sak
1012 Gainesboro Highway, Celina, TN 38551
Ph: 931-243-3643
All Species: 3 pole limit per angler from boat and 6 pole limit per angler from bank may be used.
Largemouth/Spotted/Smallmouth Bass: 5 per day in combination, only two may be smallmouth bass.
Largemouth Bass: 15 inch minimum length limit.
Spotted Bass: no length limit.
Smallmouth Bass: 2 per day, 16-21 inch PLR. One fish may be under 16 inches and one may be over 21 inches. Includes Wolf River upstream to South Ford Road bridge.
Crappie (all species): 15 per day in combination, 10 inch minimum length limit.
Catfish (all species): no harvest limit for fish under 24 inches in length; only one fish over 34 inches in length may be harvested per day.
White Bass: 15 per day, no length limit.
Yellow Bass: 20 per day, no length limit.
Walleye: 5 per day, 16 inch minimum lenght limit.
Rock Bass: 20 per day, no length limit.
Redear Sunfish: 20 per day, no length limit.
Muskellunge: 1 per day, 50 inch minimum length limit.
Bluegill/Warmouth and other sunfishes: no creel or length limit.
Trout: 7 per day, no length limit.
Special Restrictions:
January 1 – April 30: on the east fork of the Obey from Compton boat ramp upstream to Hwy. 52 bridge, anglers are restricted to the use of one hook having a single point, or one lure with a single hook with one point. No more than 3 rods and reels or poles per angler may be used.
The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency is conducting an alligator snapping turtle restoration project which involves the release of live alligator snapping turtles. Both adult and juvenile turtles have been released to restore this rare, native species. Alligator snapping turtles are listed in Tennessee as In Need of management and are illegal to take.
- Alligator Snapping Turtles have three large prominent ridges along the back, a large head, and a prominently hooked beak.
- Often reaches weights in excess of 30 pounds
- Alligator snapping turtles have an extra row of scutes (scales) between the outer scale row and the large center scales.
TWRA OFFICES – Cumberland Platau • Region III
464 Industrial Blvd., Crossville, TN 38555
Toll Free 1-800-262-6704 Fax: 931-456-1025 POACHING HOTLINE 1-800-241-0767
Web site: Tennessee Wildlife
Waterfowl Hunting Regulations Link
Ellington Agricultural Center – PO Box 40747, Nashville, TN 37204 615-781-6500
BOATING EDUCATION…………..615-837-6013
BOAT REGISTRATION……………615-837-6013
BOATING SAFETY…………………615-781-6682
DIRECTOR’S OFFICE…………….615-781-6552
FISHERIES DIVISION……………..615-781-6575
INFO & EDUCATION……………….615-781-6538
LAW ENFORCEMENT…………….615-781-6580
LICENSE SALES…………………….615-781-6585
QUOTA HUNTS……………………..615-781-6621
WILDLIFE DVISION………………..615-781-6610
D.L. Hayes World Record Smallmouth Bass July 9, 1955

David Hayes of Litchfield, KY with the world record smallmouth bass caught in 1955. (*Recognized – All-Tackle world record)