The Clay County Partnership Chamber of Commerce, alongside Clay County Government and the City of Celina, works with various agencies to boost economic development.
Local manufacturers are in hiring mode, and 25-30 new businesses opened over the course of two years. Tourism and travel-related expenditures in the county were over $7 million mark, and we expect that number to improve.
Agricultural production
Farming and the wood products industry have been backbones of the local economy since its founding, and they’re still significant components.
Agriculture remains a huge economic driver for Clay County. Farmers sold over $36 million in various products in 2017, with those sales tilted heavily toward livestock production. Eighty-eight percent of the county’s agricultural production is in livestock, and Clay County also ranks second in the state in poultry production. Over 400 farms account for almost 80,000 acres of production.
The garment industry was a heavy influence for the better part of four decades in Clay County.
The exodus of the garment industry brought mass changes for the town, county and its residents. Industrial development is broader-based than it was 20 years ago. For instance, products now range from transformers, plastic products and auto parts to wood products.
The county has a workforce of about 3,000 people, employed largely in industry, health care and government positions.
County and city government and the chamber work together to attract an even wider base of employers to the county. Diversity is a key component to the long-term health of the county, so we’re working to bring more industry and other commercial ventures to the county. Along with that, we hope to make Clay County an even more desirable retirement destination.
To relocate to Clay County personally, or for a business or industrial venture, contact one of the following:
Clay County Mayor Dale Reagan (931) 243-2161,
City of Celina Mayor Tonya Spears (931) 243-2115, or
Chamber of Commerce director Kevin Donaldson (931) 243-3338.
Site visit

SITE VISIT – Officials from the state of Tennessee, Austin Consulting and other regional agencies visited the Mitchell Street industrial property in Celina in 2018. That visit has been a key component in the development of the property.