
CCHS – Click HERE to find out more about the academic excellence of Clay County High School.
Clay County has good local schools
We have good local schools, which help drive our local workforce development efforts.
Our local workforce development committee partners with local, regional and state agencies to tackle such projects as local job fairs and having better childcare for our local workers. Business leaders, elected officials and education partners are all at the local table.
Clay County High School recently received three consecutive “rewards school” designation from the state Dept. of Education. This designation is tied to student improvement and growth.
Clay County High School has a thriving Career Technical Education program. The school not only offers its own CTE curriculum, but also partners with the Livingston College of Applied Technology in robotics and mechatronics. Two buses of Clay County students run daily to the TCAT campus, taking a variety of classes. The local school system received a $100,000+ grant to help make this mechatronics arrangement with TCAT possible.
Clay County High School has compiled enviable statistics in recent years.
- 98% of all students take some type of vocational training.
- The school consistently has one of the highest graduation rates in the state, and had a 100% graduation rate last year.
- 2/3 of all students are enrolled in some type of dual credit courses – college or vocational.
- Clay County High School students also participate in a variety of internships, work study and job shadowing opportunities.
Clay County School System website
113 Windle Community Road
Cookeville, TN 38505