Economic Development Overview
Economic development in Clay County, TN is diversified. Agriculture, industry, tourism and a growing retail base combine to employ a significant number of the county’s 2,800-person workforce. As is the case with the state, national and world economies, Clay County’s economy has evolved through the years and continues to.
The local economy was once almost totally agrarian, and began the shift toward more industry in the 1950’s. As a result, well over a third of the county’s employees were involved in light industry 30 years later, mostly in garment manufacturing. So, when that type of work left not only Clay County but the U.S., Clay County’s economy changed.
With Dale Hollow Lake nearby, tourism has always been a staple of the local economy, and the focus has shifted more in that direction in recent years. The number of retail establishments has grown significantly in the past five years. Agriculture, especially livestock, continues to be a huge economic driver in the county, with an economic impact in excess of $36 million. Clay County ranks second in the state in poultry production.
Looking to attract more industry, the local industrial board is developing a 50-acre site within the Celina city limits. We expect this to be home to new industry, and possibly the expansion of already-existing industry, in a short time.
In 2016, Clay County leadership tasked the Upper Cumberland Development District to provide a comprehensive evaluation of life in Clay County. Part of this evaluation was to offer recommendations for improvement. The result of this effort is the Clay County Community Comprehensive Plan.
Local leaders have started working on the plan, and have made significant headway. The comprehensive community development plan can be viewed HERE.
SITE VISIT – The Celina-Clay County Joint Industrial Development Board is working to develop its new, 52-acre site. Officials from the state, Austin Consulting and other regional agencies visited Celina in early spring 2018. The visit has been instrumental in developing the Mitchell Street industrial property, located in the Celina city limits.
Data on taxes, transportation and utilities and communication – everything you need. Access the MTIDA report by clicking HERE.
Clay County has a top-tier educational system. You can find out more about it HERE.

Clay County TN community snapshot
Here’s a quick look at some important demographic information. Just click on the county or use the drop-down box.